*Juliette Armard Deep Cleansing Facial - 60 mins*
Experience the Juliette Armard Deep Cleansing Facial, designed to remove deep-seated impurities and excess oil. This 60-minute treatment revitalizes your skin by effectively exfoliating dead skin cells, improving uneven skin tone, and cleansing pores, promoting natural skin renewal for a brighter, healthier glow. Suitable for all skin types, especially oily and acne-prone skin. Let the professional team at Elu Spa provide you with personalized care, helping you regain youthful vitality and radiance.
*Enhance your treatment with our add-on LED Light Therapy.
*Juliette Armard 深層清潔臉部護理 - 60 分鐘*
體驗 Juliette Armard 深層清潔臉部護理,專為去除肌膚深層污垢和多餘油脂而設計。這款 60 分鐘的療程有效去除死皮細胞,改善膚色不均,清潔毛孔,促進皮膚的自然更新,讓肌膚更具明亮與健康光澤。適合所有肌膚類型,特別是油性和暗瘡肌膚。讓 Elu Spa 的專業團隊為您提供專屬護理,重拾青春與活力,讓肌膚重獲光彩。