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Collection: Skin Radiance 肌膚光澤

Skin Radiance Spa Facial 煥新煥採水療臉部護理

Revitalize your skincare routine with Elu Spa's Renew and Radiance Facial Collection, designed to restore your skin's youthful glow and vitality. Our collection features three exceptional treatments: the Gemstone Facial, Eminence 8 Steps Hungarian Facial, and Skin renewal calming Facial. Each facial is tailored to address specific skin concerns, such as fine lines, sagging, and dehydration.

Treat yourself to a luxurious escape and discover the secret to glowing, healthy skin at Elu Spa. Book your appointment today and embrace the beauty of renewal!


讓您的護膚程序煥然一新,體驗 Elu Spa 的焕新與光彩面部護理系列,旨在恢復肌膚的年輕光彩和活力。我們的系列包含三種卓越療程:寶石面部護理、Eminence 八步匈牙利面部護理和肌膚光亮水潤面部護理。每款護理都針對特定肌膚問題,如細紋、鬆弛和缺水進行調理!

體驗我們焕新與光彩面部護理系列的變革性效益,適合所有肌膚類型。犒賞自己一場奢華的護理,發現 Elu Spa 的健康肌膚秘密。立即預約,擁抱焕新的美麗

5 products
  • Eminence 8-Step Hungarian Massage Facial - 75 mins
    Eminence 8-Step Hungarian Massage Facial - 75 mins
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Signature Gemstone Facial - 90mins or 60mins
    Signature Gemstone Facial - 90mins or 60mins
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Skin Renewal Calming Facial - 75 mins
    Skin Renewal Calming Facial - 75 mins
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • ESPA Inner Beauty Facial - 60 mins
    ESPA Inner Beauty Facial - 60 mins
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Gemstone Roller
    Gemstone Roller
    Regular price
    Sale price
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