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Epionce Lytic Gel Cleanser Lytic 潔面啫喱

Epionce Lytic Gel Cleanser Lytic 潔面啫喱

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75 ml

An Epionce fan-favorite and multiple award winner–from both SHAPE Magazine and NewBeauty–Lytic Gel Cleanser is a must-have for oily and problem skin types. It effectively dissolves dirt, oil and makeup, and calms the visible appearance of irritation. 

- Epionce的角質修復配方 – EpiK,幫助疏通堵塞毛孔的油脂污垢、細菌、化妝品殘留物及死皮,同時不損害皮膚保護層
- 可提升皮膚天然保護層的吸收能力,幫助把產品精華深層滲透肌膚底層
- 特別適合暗瘡、皮膚炎、濕疹及牛皮癬用者

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