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SOS Deep Hydrating Facial – 60 mins

SOS Deep Hydrating Facial – 60 mins

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This 60-minute revitalizing facial treatment is the SOS rescue to dryness, dullness, and aging. It lets your skin to be nourished instantly and delivers all-day hydration. We first cleanse and exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. Ad then we use natural ingredients including 100% algae extract and chamomile for instant moisture restoration and cell regeneration. The algae extract strengthens biological moisturizing capacity, both superficially and in the skin’s deepest layers. The organic silica solution enhances the hydration of epidermic tissues by keeping water linked to them. The chamomile soothes any irritations and heals blemishes. This relaxing treatment will restore your skin radiance and leave your skin feeling supple and replenished with extra hydration. 

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