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Safety Precautions Against COVID-19

At ELU, we want to provide a safe, relaxing environment to help you with your wellness needs.

Due to many concerns regarding COVID-19, we are taking preventive measures to maintain a clean and safe environment for our customers and staff. 

What we are doing:

  • During our temporary closure, our location was thoroughly cleaned by SKY COMPANY – a professional cleaning company for spas and beauty salons.
  • We are sanitizing all door handles, countertops, chairs and tables constantly throughout the day and between each customer in the treating rooms.
  • All staff will wear masks and protective equipment during treatment.
  • The use of steamers are strictly prohibited.
  • Our staff have been instructed to not come to work if they experience fever or any symptoms. With this being said, we apologise if we need to cancel your appointment last minute. Your safety is our top priority.

What can you do:

  • Please stay at home if you are unwell, your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer when you arrive.
  • Limit your belongings that you bring in to ELU.
  • Please wear a mask upon arrival and we will encourage to wash your hands with soap and water. We have hand sanitizers all around the spa for your convenience as well.
  • Please pay for your treatments online before your appointment to avoid contact during checkout.
  • Please refrain from talking during treatment to avoid spread of water droplets. The purpose of your visit to ELU is to get some much-needed rest and relax whilst our therapists provide you an ultimate pampering experience.


We thank you for your understanding.

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