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Balancing Toner 平衡淨膚露

Balancing Toner 平衡淨膚露

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120 ml

Balancing Toner removes any traces of dirt, oil and makeup and other surface impurities gently without damaging the skin or causing unnecessary dryness. A concentrated blend of botanical extracts and humectants refine texture and give the skin a surge of moisture. Alcohol-free formula, pH

Epionce平衡淨膚露可溫和去除污垢、油脂、化妝品和其他表面雜質,不會損傷皮膚或造成不必要的干燥。 植物提取物和保濕劑的濃縮混合物可改善質地,為肌膚帶來大量水分。 無酒精配方,pH值平衡。

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