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Epionce Daily Shield Tinted SPF 50 Sunscreen 防曬潤色隔離霜SPF50

Epionce Daily Shield Tinted SPF 50 Sunscreen 防曬潤色隔離霜SPF50

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50 ml

The cosmetically elegant Epionce Daily Shield Lotion Tinted SPF 50 sunscreen provides broad spectrum protection that evens out skin tone while imparting a natural-looking healthy glow. The very water resistant formula is enhanced with botanical ingredients for antioxidant benefits.

50 ml

物理性防曬潤色隔離霜SPF 50,將防曬及化妝品結合,能為任何膚色提供自然的色調,賦予肌膚自然的健康光澤。柔焦技術給予肌膚自然光澤,裸色的防曬霜提供專業的潤色效果,有助均勻紋理及膚色,原理不是改變肌膚色調,而是因應不同的膚色來調整和遮蔽瑕疵,不論淺色或深色的肌膚,都能自然融入其中,達致均勻完美無瑕美肌。

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