富含保濕成分的面霜,讓肌膚感覺水潤柔嫩。 沒藥、乳香和橙花具有補充功效,而維生素 E 則有助於保護皮膚屏障。 滋養的月見草和荷荷巴油還可以深層滋潤肌膚,使肌膚絲般光滑。
A richly hydrating face cream to leave skin feeling replenished and soft. Myrrh, Frankincense and Neroli replenish, while Vitamin E helps protect the skin barrier. Nourishing Evening Primrose and Jojoba also work to deeply moisturise leaving skin silky smooth.
Registered by the Vegan Society.
Suitable for dry and combination skin type*