USE CODE "WEEKDAY20" for 20% OFF for Weekdays' Appointment from 11am to 5pm

Skin Renewal Calming Facial - 75 mins
Skin Renewal Calming Facial - 75 mins
Skin Renewal Calming Facial - 75 mins

Skin Renewal Calming Facial - 75 mins

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Please contact 64778647 for reservations


最近天氣轉季,如果你的皮膚正在敏感或濕疹. 受暗瘡粉刺困擾等等⋯你可以來Elu spa 讓我們的Therapist 替你的皮膚鎮靜及修護,假如你有曬傷或剛完成激光療程,這個面部護理也非常適合你!快來Elu spa 享受專業及放鬆的面部護理吧!為肌膚加強屏障,讓皮膚像剝殼雞蛋一樣重生✨

If your skin is sensitive or eczema, troubled by acne etc... you can come to Elu spa and let our Therapist calm and repair your skin. If you have sunburn or have just completed a laser treatment, This facial is perfect for you too! Come to Elu spa to enjoy professional and relaxing facial treatments! Strengthen the skin barrier and regenerate the skin like a shelled egg.🥚

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